Black and White photos due to Wildfire Smoke.

We’ve had a week of high temperatures until Thursday, then Friday changed completely. The question I have during weeks like this “how can it be over 100º F. on Thursday and 70º F. on Friday?” I’m not a Weather man nor do I know any more about it than what the evening news reports. Regardless it is a welcome change, but soon it will go from Pleasant to cold when Winter comes knocking.

I have however managed to take what to me are some interesting photographs.

This photo is one of two I took in color this morning, this one was a camera adjusting shot. Taking a picture with the intent of deleting it isn’t the best strategy but the lighting was difficult during this session. The reason is due to the remnants of the tropical storm that turned towards California and made its way up to Los Angelos taking an Eastern turn its now over Nevada.

The sky was so colorless with no details it appeared to be black and white. I took several Seagull photos in black and white it was either that or delete them. I like B&W but I’m new to it, with no experience it can be a bit tricky.

There are a number of ways to accomplish it, I took the easy way and removed the color. In the picture above I was hesitant to include the Utility Towers they are tough to remove in photoshop. However for some reason they aren’t as irritable to me as when they are in color. I have removed them on other pictures however the effort is not worth the results but it is for the experience.

I am happy to have corrected the problem I had with WordPress not allowing me to post my pictures. It wasn’t a problem with WordPress but the culprit was an Apple update. All I had to do was allow access for WP to allow Apple to grant permission to WP to copy the pictures. Wow, now I have to do the same for my bank.

The four B&W I posted here are of the same bird I took as it flew North against the wind. There are certain conditions that work in Black and White but it takes a bit of a learning curve. It’s not difficult but it is tricky my goal is to present an image that appears totally natural. Detail is easier to display and the background makes Trees interesting. I like the blur in this picture and plan on making that part of my B&W “style”

More than 80 wildfires are burning in the Western States including a massive fire near Los Angelos which has been cooled down by the tropical storm. Another is burning on or near the Oregon border destroying many acres and forcing thousands to evacuate. Three are burning in Yosemite, One near Clear Lake; they are spreading the smoke evenly throughout the West.

I cannot be in the smoke for even short periods, during the 2018 season I contracted a fungus infection in my ears and lost what was left of my hearing on the left and 80% on my right. It’s dangerous stuff, I’m not sure how much longer I can endure this. Not being able to go anywhere is getting extremely old, but my health is most important.

Jac Lebec



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